Monday, October 13, 2008

My Dating Life: A Review

Many guys say they like a forward girl, things like, “I like her to let me know she’s into me—it’s sexy.” This is a lie. No guy that I have ever met has responded positively to knowing that I’m “into” them. And yet I insist on applying the “let him know how you feel” approach to the gentlemen I’m interested in.

For this reason, My Dating Life is pathetic at best. A stunted attempt to connect with any male in tight pants, usually tattooed and on a bike, My Dating Life repeatedly falls short of expectations (both my own and society’s). Datees are typically overjoyed by my eagerness to kiss and ability to pay for my half of the meal, but that’s only the first time; second dates are few and far between.

While contemplating My Dating Life, one should be aware of the fact that the subject (myself) is a young twentysomething in her last year of art school. She is perhaps a little too desperate for male affection, having been an official participant of “the single life” for…well, a good long time. But, it should be noted that she is genuinely an interesting young woman with plenty to offer a potential boyfriend, if a little too eager and upfront.

My Dating Life, however hilarious, is ultimately a dead-in-the-water spectacle of misguided affection and overenthusiastic attempts at hooking a tall, angst-ridden hipster boy.

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