Sunday, February 1, 2009

Things About Me That Are True

-- I want to live in a house on a lake (or the ocean) in the woods with a boat and a lover.

-- My dream car: 1967 Chevy Chevelle

-- I want a garden. Mostly for vegetables and herbs. but I wouldn't object to a flower or two.

-- When I move to Asheville, I would like to get a dog. I will name him Atticus Finch.

-- I want a whole room to write in with big windows and walls and walls of books. I want it to be in an attic, under the eaves.

-- If I could be outside all the time, I would. I would sleep on a porch and write under a tree and kiss in the long grass.

-- Pentel R.S.V.P = my pens of choice. I love, love, love them.

-- Tea is my favorite drink; cold or hot, doesn't matter.

-- I did some painting in high school and I liked it, but I'd much rather take photographs than paint pictures.

-- I like breakfast, but I hardly ever eat it.

-- I like watching old movies with people, and new ones by myself.

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